我,VIM, tutor, summary2

我,VIM, tutor, summary2

commands for VIM 2

o                        open a line below and then insert
O                        open a line above
a                        insert after cursor
A                        insert after the end of the line
e                        move to the end of a word
y                        yanks(copy),after this then type p to paste
R                        enter Replace mode until ESC is pressed
set XXX                  set the option ``XXX´´ like [ic] for ignorecase, [is] for incsearch, [hls] for highlight
no                       no + option to switch an option off
F1, :help                       help
:help cmd                find help on cmd
:q                       close help window
:command CTRL-D          to see the possible completions, TAB to use one 

26 Jun 2018

上篇4 typical Solutions for Joseph-Problem
下篇我,VIM, tutor, summary